This is an app I created called Disney-Fantasy Clash!. In this app users will be able to
their favorite Disney
princess and get fantasy book recommendations that correlate with that princess's story! Since I am a fanatic of
disney and fantasy genre books, I thought why not combine the two into an app!
By pressing the start here button, you will be sent to a view that allows you to pick between 8 princess. Once
on a princess, it will take a view to that allows you to look at 3 different books that correlate to that
story! If you click on the book, you will see the author name as well as the synopsis of the book! If you have
feel free to add your feedback to the app as well using the 'If you have a bit of time' button! Thank you so
using the App, and I hope you enjoy!
Hello! My name is Manmeet Gill and I created this app called Treasy! The purpose of this app is to give a fun way for
users to interact with different European countries while at the same time giving them a chance to learn more about the
different cities and destinations that these countries have to offer. I love traveling and have always wanted to visit
Europe so this was a perfect way for me to also get to know some places that I will hopefully want to visit some day!
By clicking a country from the drop down menu, you can initiate the start button! Once you get to the next page you will
be able to swipe through
different cities and if at any point you want to learn more about a particular city, you can hold the picture of the
city and it will give you
the option to either see the map of the city or learn about particular destinations within the city. If you choose the
second option, you will reach
a separate page that will give you a couple of destinations that list the name, suggested duration, key theme, and the
cost of visiting that destination. To learn
more about each destination, you can simply click on the picture of the destination and read the description!